Channel: Active questions tagged r2d2 - Stack Overflow
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How to use SQLite via rusqlite from multiple threads?

There are a number of articles explaining the problem of multi-threaded access with SQLite but I couldn't find any easy solutions. How does one access SQLite from e.g. a web server where multiple...

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How to save a document in MongoDB by r2d2 and actix?

I am new to Rust and was trying to create a webserver with Actix-web to perform CRUD operations via MongoDB. The first API I am creating is to save a simple document in MongoDB by something received...

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Rust serde_json::value::RawValue gives errors "the trait bound ......

I am using r2d2_postgres to run raw SQL and return the result directly in Actix response.I need to run raw sql with dynamic data, types and unknown at compile time columns/data types etc. To do this, I...

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Why is the Connection pool cloned here?

In this code example, from the Github page of r2d2:fn main() { let manager = r2d2_foodb::FooConnectionManager::new("localhost:1234"); let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder() .max_size(15) .build(manager)...

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Rust - Cannot Access r2d2 pool connection from Rocket State

I am currently learning Rust and RocketUsing Rust 1.54.0+Rocket 0.5.0_rc1+ Diesel 1.4.7 + r2d2 0.8.9I created a DB Postgres connection pool with r2d2. I want to share the connection pool between...

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Rust diesel with r2d2 load expected struct `Mysql`, found struct `Sqlite`?

I'm writing a database module for my rust application, use diesel.Here's the compile error:error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<MysqlConnection as Connection>::Backend == Sqlite` -->...

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Implement default trait API in database module by diesel r2d2?

I'm quite new to rust/diesel. Trying to implement a database module with default trait API (avoid duplicate code work), by crate diesel and r2d2.Here's the model.rs:use chrono::NaiveDate;use diesel;use...

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How to optimize querying multiple unrelated tables in SQLite?

I have scenario when I have to iterate through multiple tables in quite big sqlite database. In tables I store informations about planet position on sky through years. So e.g. for Mars I have tables...

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Imlementing connection pooling in a rust/diesel app with r2d2

I am trying to implement connection pooling in a rust/diesel/rocket application. I am not sure how to ensure the content of the establish_pooled_connection() method is invoked only once, so as to...

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The latest chrono 0.4 crate uses time 0.1 which has a potential segfault -...

I'm writing an app in Rust that uses a PostgreSQL client connection pool with Chrono (0.4.22) features for date time calculations. So my Cargo.toml has these lines:[dependencies]postgres = {version =...

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Why are closed connections in an actor not returned to the connection pool?

I am quite new to Rust and Database handling in general and so i have clearly bitten off more than I can chew with my current async project.I am using actix actors, actix_web, diesel and r2d2 for my...

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How to use DB connections in Actix several times per function?

At https://actix.rs/docs/databases/ there is an example:async fn index(pool: web::Data<DbPool>, name: web::Path<(String)>) -> impl Responder { let name = name.into_inner(); let conn =...

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